ADOBE Essential mix

This post is about the basics steps first time working with the “threesome” – MUST HAVE-  Adobe software’s: Photoshop, InDesign Illustrator

 The threesome:


Before starting any project with Adobe, you should know what it does. You should understand the concept of the “threesome” Adobe software: Photoshop, InDesign Illustrator and there role.


Note: although one can make the same project with each one of these programs, choosing the right program for a project and to know how to collaborate them within each project will make it more professional and easy. Understanding and mastering will give you the tools to build a High quality, fast and professional products. This three are working in perfect harmony and synergy.

A short explanation:


Photoshop: Creating and editing photos. Export UX, web pages, banners ,edit graphics, pictures etc.


Illustrator: vector-based program means it calculates vector shapes (point to point) instead of pixels. Creating and editing illustrations such as logo’s and other things. It’s good for scaling things without losing the quality of your image.


InDesign: Page Layout printed materials- brochures, newsletters, ads, business cards, books etc.

 See someone that is good in what he does and do the same.


It doesn’t mean to copy or “steal” Copyright! but, It is would recommend to gather few references which you found something interesting in for ideas and concepts as suggestions.


Step 1 – what is the Goal? Before starting you should now what you want to achieve.

Think SMART:

  • Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
  • Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
  • Achievable (agreed, attainable).
  • Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
  • Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).

Step 2- playing around:

Make few sketch layouts of your thought with a paper and pencil, make a visual of your work and make the guidelines – the location of it, the images, the text, typographic etc. this will save you a lot of time in the practical stage.


Step 3 – Time to work:

Taking all of the above, start working on your project and create few examples as options as first drafts. I would recommend to have a good designer friend to discuss the options. only after you choose the design you trust to be the best, make it perfect.


Good luck!

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