Making a home – office

From small to large, local and international companies, many had to move and close office workplaces due to the COVID19. It is time to recognize we are in a new age of employment environment – many employees have forgot from their office and are now working from their homes.

Many employers considering this day about the efficiency of the traditional 9 hours in the office VS home office time and the cost saved by reducing offices expenses such as rent, electricity, cars expenses and much more, working from home can be an advantage or disadvantage looking on different criteria.

Some researches would say that home office consider to be of high productivity and with the effect of reducing stress levels and There is a big work force that can be relevant with the new terms that wasn’t their before. Moreover, people working from home are engaging on online meetings more than usual.

From the other hand, there are researches and employers that will determined exactly the opposite…

So, what is the truth?

Home office is not for everyone. Some fined it difficult to concentrate and work efficiently in their home environment. Eventually all lays on trust and personality. A person who doesn’t have a work ethic to work from home, you as employer need to think if he is good for your business at all. also, as employee we need to understand our part of it ourselves and to create best environment to be able stand in this task.

Is this the effect of post-COVID19 and what we learned from it? does companies that made this transition will keep on allowing their employees to work full / part time from home? Future will determine


Best of luck!

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